Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Auspicious Beginnings (Not Really)

So, I made my first foray into w-space today, and it was alternating boredom, excitement and boredom. My characters is only about 26 days old, so my biggest ship is destroyer. I decided I was interested in getting into wormholes, so I went to my local system and just started scanning. I got lucky and a member of my corp (a training corp for another corp) said that the next door system to our home base had a wormhole. I jumped over there and scanned it down. I jumped in and immediately got an extremely friendly greeting from the locals:

"Derek what are you doing in here"

They said my exact character name, so I was a little spooked. I immediately jumped to the sun and launched probes and mashed the d-scan button. Apparently there were two Ferox sitting in system in system. I voiced I just wished to explore the system, as I was interested in getting into wormholes. They demanded I leave the system. I did so.

After a little bit of thinking, I asked the people on my corps voice com if they were interested in trying to kill a Ferox. A few people said they were interested and we loaded up in two Rifters, a Catalyst, a Cormorant and a Crucifier. We thought that we had a small chance, and it would be fun even if we got blown up. We get to the wormhole, and jump in. I check d-scan and:


No one on d-scan. Not to be daunted, we decided to poke around the system a little. Then we a message in local:

"So what are you guys doing in here."

This time we decide to keep com silence while we look for them. We notice that I'm the only one who bookmarked the wormhole, so I drop the bookmark in a can. Then we realize that I no longer have the bookmark and no-one has it in bookmarks.

Sheepish looks are exchanged.

Fortunately, I decided to fit a core probe launcher on my Rifter. So I scan down a wormhole exit add it to corp bookmarks this time. I go back to scanner for our targets. I mention that someone should check out the wormhole to make sure it drops out to our home system. He jumps through and we hear over coms:

"Where the hell is this?"

After a little bit, he relays that this exit dumps us in high-sec 11 jumps from our home. I get back to searching for wormhole exits, hoping we get one a little closer to our home. I eventually find it and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. We decide that we've orbited the sun long enough and jump to one of the moons. Then we get another chat:

"Why aren't you leaving A?"

Where A is one of the members of our little fleet. Now, we haven't broken coms yet, but we're getting a little bored just sitting around. We come up with the idea of having A say that he lost the bookmark. The wormhole locals believe and say "Drop your fleet, I'll invite you to one and you can warp to me."

A is a little hesitant here, smelling a trap, but the rest of the fleet eggs him on. He says "Ok" and we prepare to jump the guy. Then about five minutes of silence goes by. Finally, the local says "Warp to planet 4 moon 1."

By now, we know its a trap but we don't care. We have A warp and tell him to approach the local and we'll drop in on him. A says there is some kind of giant bubble and that he can't approach the local, who is now flying a drake.

I realize that the local has moved into a drake and has decided not to stick his nose out. I warp to 100k off from A and see my suspension confirmed. The local is sitting in a drake inside the bubble. We try to get him to engage us but its a failure. After a little more taunting, cajoling and bickering, we decide we're not going anywhere and drop back to k-space and go our separate ways.

Thinking back on the encounter, I think that the drake may have been empty and the local was bluffing. But, that's how it rolls. At least we didn't get blown up!

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